Chiropractic Care for Kids

Have you considered the benefits of chiropractic care for your children? Although children appear to bounce back from most injuries quickly, many parents don't understand the long-term effects of misalignments that children develop in their spine. Unfortunately, children do not always verbalize exactly what they feel when they are sore, uncomfortable, or in pain. Just like with adults, if the underlying cause is left alone for too long it can develop into much more serious issues.
Chiropractic May Help With Child Development
Chiropractic care may be helpful for your child's development. After development and birth, children growing into toddlers are faced with the developmental challenge of crawling and walking. While children are learning to overcome these challenges they are also going through a significant amount of straining, twisting, and falling.
While growth continues, and the child reaches the age where they play with pets, friends, and family, they can begin to develop bad posture, start playing contact sports, wearing heavier backpacks (most likely the wrong way), and deal with the stress of more daily responsibilities. As these kids become teenagers and high school graduates, they join the workforce, which could place more strain on them depending on their chosen field.
As a parent, you need to make it a point to ensure that all the falls, stress, trauma, and physical demands that your children go through do not stop them from being kids. Chiropractic care is all about protecting your body from harm and chiropractor's exams are not intrusive but extensive enough that, even if your child is too young to communicate, or too shy, they can ascertain if treatment is needed or not.
Infantile Colic
Another, often misdiagnosed issue, is infantile colic. Described as “inexpiable and uncontrollable crying in babies from 0 to 3 months old, occurring more than 3 hours a day, 3 days a week for 3 weeks or more, generally occurring in the late afternoon or evening,” many healthcare practitioners are beginning to see the connection between possible spinal issues and colic.
When a child is experiencing pain and cannot tell you, the only outlet they have is to cry. It has also been found that they will pull their arms and legs in and possibly turn bright red if they are feeling pain. Although babies and young children cannot tell us with words if the adjustment has eased their pain, it is very common to see babies fall asleep within minutes of an adjustment, with parents later reporting that colic has decreased or even stopped completely.
If you have any concerns about your children, call our team at Access Health Centers today for a no-obligation consultation and let us help your child on their way to a better life.